My devices can only send LWT messages to HiveMQ Cloud

Hello everybody

I’ve been using HiveMQ basic cloud account to learn and implement some IoT devices. Last friday at 9:15 all my devices stopped working and now only LWT messages are received by the mqtt server, everything else is not working anymore.

When I made a paid account everything started to work again.

I am using Tasmota firmware in 7 devices, and have one android app, one raspberry pi and one computer connected to the save server.

I could not find any answer to understand if I violated a quota of messages or something like that. Any ideas about what happened to me?

One think I can confirm is HiveMQ-Cloud free edition often behave erratic. I recently encounter erratic websocket behavior. For POCs, I switched to community edition running in a server.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

After a lot of tests I couldn’t find a solution for my demands, so I did a migration to aws ec2 to continue with my tests. This is very undesired for me because now I had to deal with infra.

Unfortunately paid hivemq account is too expensive for me to manage or else I would continue with the service.