I was trying to use Domoticz app to control the lights attached to my tasmota device. I followed all the directions on how to configure at Domoticz - Tasmota
Looks like I don’t need to do anything special on my tasmota device and it should work. Needless to say I can’t control my device from the Domoticz on my PC.
I did enter “36” in Idx1 setting in tasmota which is Idx number assigned to the virtual switch in Domoticz. I also entered Hivemq.cloud settings and kept TLS version settings at default tlsv1 in Domoticz.
at this point I think either the Domoticz doesn’t work with hivemq.cloud and needs a local broker or I am missing some configuration settings.
So my question: Is it possible to control my tasmota device with domoticz using hivemq.cloud and without using a local in house Mqtt broker?
Could it be a TLS problem? Domoticz gives option to use tlsv1. or tlsv1.1 or tlsv1.2. which version does hivemq.cloud use?