HiveMQ Cluster nodes cannot locate each other in RHEL

Hi everyone!

I’ve recently come across a bug where I am trying to set up two nodes with clustering in RHEL and they are not finding each other when starting up the service. They are both on the same local server and I have set them up on 8080 and 8081 respectively. I’ve tried searching via multicast and broadcast and that didn’t fix the problem.
Picture of runtime:

Has anyone ran into this problem or seen this before?
Ive run this on windows and it doesnt have any problems

Hi @Andrew_S

it’s wonderful to have someone like you who’s enthusiastic about MQTT and the HiveMQ broker. Welcome to the HiveMQ Community! We’re excited to see new users like you.

Based on the information provided, it seems that the discrepancy in the functionality in the Windows environment vs. the RHEL environment may be attributed to differences in the UDP transport and broadcast discovery mechanisms between the two environments. It is plausible that UDP and IP broadcasting might be allowed in one environment and restricted in the other.

I recommend reviewing the potential issues outlined in the HiveMQ Cluster Discovery documentation, specifically regarding UDP multicast configuration:

To thoroughly diagnose your server’s firewall and networking settings, it is advisable to engage with your system or network administrator.

As a quick workaround, you may consider utilizing TCP transport and static discovery in your HiveMQ cluster configuration.

Thank you for your understanding, and please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,
Dasha from the HiveMQ Team

Thank you for the response Dasha!

So if I am on a cloud provider, what is the alternative instead of broadcast/multicast? I don’t want to use any of the extensions so would static be the only option?

Hi @Andrew_S

If your current cloud provider lacks support for broadcast, multicast, and UDP, an effective alternative is to utilize TCP cluster transport along with static node discovery. Additionally, you may explore extensions such as the HiveMQ S3 Cluster Discovery Extension (HiveMQ Extension - S3 Cluster Discovery) or the Azure Cluster Discovery Extension (HiveMQ Azure Cluster Discovery Extension), depending on your specific platform.

Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with.

Warm regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team