2022-10-14 07:47:17,415 DEBUG - Setting retained messages enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting wildcard subscriptions enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting subscription identifier enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting shared subscriptions enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting maximum qos to EXACTLY_ONCE
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting topic alias enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting topic alias maximum per client to 5
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting the number of max queued messages per client to 1000 entries
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting queued messages strategy for each client to DISCARD
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting the expiry interval for client sessions to 4294967295 seconds
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting the expiry interval for publish messages to 4294967296 seconds
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting the server receive maximum to 10
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting keep alive maximum to 65535 seconds
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting keep alive allow zero to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,416 DEBUG - Setting the maximum packet size for mqtt messages 268435460 bytes
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting global maximum allowed connections to -1
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting the maximum client id length to 65535
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting the timeout for disconnecting idle tcp connections before a connect message was received to 10000 milliseconds
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Throttling the global incoming traffic limit 0 bytes/second
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting the maximum topic length to 65535
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting allow server assigned client identifier to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting validate UTF-8 to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting payload format validation to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting allow-problem-information to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,417 DEBUG - Setting control center audit log enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,418 DEBUG - Setting replica count to 2
2022-10-14 07:47:17,418 DEBUG - Setting cluster TCP health-check disabled
2022-10-14 07:47:17,418 DEBUG - Setting cluster heartbeat disabled
2022-10-14 07:47:17,418 DEBUG - Setting HiveMQ Control Center enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,418 DEBUG - Setting HiveMQ Control Center default login enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,418 DEBUG - Setting HiveMQ Control Center session idle time to 14400 seconds
2022-10-14 07:47:17,426 DEBUG - Setting overload protection enabled to true
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting anonymous usage statistics enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting HiveMQ REST API enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting HiveMQ REST API authentication enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting expired messages topic enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting dropped messages topic enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting dead messages topic enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting client event history enabled to false
2022-10-14 07:47:17,427 DEBUG - Setting client event history lifetime to 604800000 ms
2022-10-14 07:47:17,428 INFO - This node's ID is gajPF
2022-10-14 07:47:17,428 INFO - Clustering is disabled
2022-10-14 07:47:17,817 DEBUG - 476.50 MB allocated for qos 0 inflight messages
2022-10-14 07:47:18,437 DEBUG - Initializing payload reference count and queue sizes for client_queue persistence.
2022-10-14 07:47:18,554 DEBUG - Diagnostic mode is disabled
2022-10-14 07:47:19,535 DEBUG - Native Epoll is available on this platform
2022-10-14 07:47:19,549 DEBUG - Set extension executor thread pool size to 4
2022-10-14 07:47:19,549 DEBUG - Set extension executor thread pool keep-alive to 30 seconds
2022-10-14 07:47:19,568 INFO - No valid license file found. Using trial license, restricted to 25 connections.
2022-10-14 07:47:19,744 DEBUG - Throttling incoming traffic to 0 B/s
2022-10-14 07:47:19,744 DEBUG - Throttling outgoing traffic to 0 B/s
2022-10-14 07:47:19,792 DEBUG - Building initial topic tree
2022-10-14 07:47:19,867 DEBUG - Started JMX Metrics Reporting.
2022-10-14 07:47:19,879 DEBUG - Registered JVM metrics with prefix com.hivemq.jvm.
2022-10-14 07:47:19,962 INFO - This node uses '4' CPU cores.
2022-10-14 07:47:19,970 INFO - Starting HiveMQ extension system.
2022-10-14 07:47:20,013 INFO - Starting extension with id "hivemq-allow-all-extension" at /opt/hivemq/extensions/hivemq-allow-all-extension
2022-10-14 07:47:20,021 WARN -
# This HiveMQ deployment is not secure! You are lacking Authentication and Authorization. #
# Right now any MQTT client can connect to the broker with a full set of permissions. #
# For production usage, add an appropriate security extension and remove the hivemq-allow-all extension. #
# You can download security extensions from the HiveMQ Marketplace (https://www.hivemq.com/extensions/). #
2022-10-14 07:47:20,022 DEBUG - Simple authenticator added by extension 'hivemq-allow-all-extension'.
2022-10-14 07:47:20,022 INFO - Extension "Allow All Extension" version 1.0.0 started successfully.
2022-10-14 07:47:20,022 INFO - Starting extension with id "hivemq-s3-cluster-discovery-extension" at /opt/hivemq/extensions/hivemq-s3-cluster-discovery-extension
2022-10-14 07:47:20,037 WARN - A Cluster discovery callback is present, but HiveMQ ist not configured to use extension discovery. Please check your configuration.
2022-10-14 07:47:20,037 DEBUG - Registered S3 discovery callback successfully.
2022-10-14 07:47:20,037 INFO - Extension "S3 Cluster Discovery Extension" version 4.0.1 started successfully.
2022-10-14 07:47:22,145 INFO - gajPF: no members discovered after 2001 ms: creating cluster as first member
2022-10-14 07:47:22,171 INFO - No user for HiveMQ Control Center configured. Starting with default user
2022-10-14 07:47:22,171 INFO - Starting HiveMQ Control Center on address and port 8080
2022-10-14 07:47:22,318 INFO - Control Center Audit Logging started.
2022-10-14 07:47:22,319 INFO - Started HiveMQ Control Center in 148ms
2022-10-14 07:47:22,319 DEBUG - Adding TCP Listener on bind address and port 1883. Name: tcp-listener-1883. Proxy Protocol supported: false
2022-10-14 07:47:22,331 INFO - Starting TCP listener on address and port 1883
2022-10-14 07:47:22,346 INFO - Started TCP Listener on address and on port 1883.
2022-10-14 07:47:22,346 INFO - Started HiveMQ in 5144ms