Hi All
I am new to MQTT and HiveMQ
We would like to setup HiveMQ cluster in the Cloud or on Premise.
We have 5 instance of same crititical applications running on Cloud or on Premise doing Request and Response to another other applications running at Traffic controller for 5000 traffic intersections .
Can you please let us if we use Request and Response message from MQTT 5.x, will HiveMQ or MQTT Broker guarantee message delivery even if the HiveMQ or MQTT Broker is very busy with over million messages been publish.
Thank you for your help and support
Regards, Ben
Hello Ben,
It is great that you are interested in MQTT and HiveMQ, please be welcome to our community!
MQTT Broker guarantees message delivery based on the Quality of Service (QoS) level. For your use case consider using QoS 1 or QoS 2:
- QoS 1 - at least once - QoS level 1 guarantees that a message is delivered at least one time to the receiver.
- QoS 2 - exactly once - QoS 2 is the highest level of service in MQTT. This level guarantees that each message is received only once by the intended recipients. QoS 2 is the safest and slowest quality of service level.
To learn more deep about QoS levels please feel free to refer to our “MQTT Essentials” lecture series: Quality of Service 0,1 & 2 - MQTT Essentials: Part 6
I hope this helps,
Kind regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team
Hi @baoquach,
Can you be a bit more precise here?
You are talking about a HiveMQ Cluster while tagging this as the Community Edition.
Are you planning on using a single broker (Community Edition) or a cluster of brokers (Professional Edition)?
Hi @hivemq-support
I have two usage.
At the Edge device locate near traffic site
A single HiveMQ Broker or MQTT Broker will be running, our Adaptive application will request and response message using MQTT 5.x feature to Traffic controller application running insider traffic controller firmware. The HiveMQ Broker or MQTT Broker at the Edge device can Bridge to remote Central HiveMQ cluster Brokers or MQTT cluster Brokers
No Edge device at traffic site
At Central location which could be on Premise or in Cloud, will run Central HiveMQ cluster Brokers or MQTT cluster Brokers. 5 instance of same crititical Adaptive applications running doing Request and Response message using MQTT 5.x feature to another other application running at Traffic controller for 5000 traffic intersections.
We would like to know will HiveMQ Broker or MQTT Broker guarantee message delivery even if the HiveMQ Broker or MQTT Broker is very busy with over million messages been publish.
We would like to use MQTT protocol address small footprint, low power and network bandwidth at traffic site communicate to remote Central location.
From our invesitagtion MQTT 5.x features does NOT support message priority, so we were wondering if there workaround to address message priority.
Thank you for your help and support
Regards, Bao
Hi Bao,
MQTT Broker guarantees message delivery based on the Quality of Service (QoS) level even when the load on the broker is high.
HiveMQ broker is highly available, even a 1-node broker can handle ~1million connections. With a cluster of brokers, this number goes up to millions of connections. Clustering is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of HiveMQ broker. To determine optimal sizing before buying a Professional license you discuss the use case with your sales representative.
You have mentioned that in your use case over a million messages are being published. Is that a million messages per second? Also, how many client connections do you foresee? Is it only 5 clients?
Dasha from HiveMQ Team