MQTT Client Sessions

Is it possible to see which clients are currently connected? I disconnected clients and left only one, but it still shows 6 clients connected.

Hi @Sarunas,

  1. With the HiveMQ Serverless plan, you won’t be able to observe which clients are currently connected. The feature you are referring to, “Clients Overview,” is a part of the HiveMQ Control Center. To access the HiveMQ Control Center, you would need to consider upgrading to the Starter, Professional, or Enterprise plans.

  2. Further details on the Clients Overview can be found in our documentation here.

  3. For a comprehensive understanding of the features included in each plan, I recommend checking our pricing page here. The HiveMQ Control Center is exclusively available in the Starter, Professional, and Enterprise plans.

  4. Regarding the “MQTT Client Sessions” you mentioned in your screenshot, it’s crucial to note that this displays the total number of client sessions accounted for in your billing period (month), not the currently connected clients. You can find more details on how these sessions are counted in our documentation here.

If you have any further inquiries or need additional assistance, please feel free to let me know. I’m here to help.

Best regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team

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