Message history retention period on HiveMQ (free version)

I have setup a POC with a Pi Pico posting temperature readings from a BME280 sensor to hive MQTT every minute.
From here I plan to use Telegraf to load the data into an influxDB and then visualisation using grafana.
I was expecting the message history to build up when Telegraf is down, and then to telegraf to process the backlog into the database.
Equally when I view the topic from the web client the messages start building up from nothing rather than presenting me the last x hours/days of message history.

I am publishing to the server using umqtt.simple with the following config:
client.publish(topic_pub, topic_msg, retain=False, qos=1)

I thought that HiveMQ cloud kept a history for ~5 days and hence the queued messages should remain over that period. Have I misunderstood MQTT’s capabilities in general, or perhaps I am doing something wrong with my configuration options on publish or read?

Hello Tom,

Please find below the general description on how messages are expected to be stored on the Broker when using QoS1:

Queued QoS 1 messages are stored on the broker until either of the following happens:

MQTT brokers don’t provide any mechanism for logging historical data for later analysis. The only way to see the history of messages published to a topic is to store them somewhere and persist them into a time series database (e.g. InfluxDB) as you are already planning to use.

Best regards,
Diego from HiveMQ Team

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