Is there no natively supported authentication available on HiveMQ CE?

Hi there

When i read on , i read that we need a special plugin for username / password auth:

So: Is there no natively supported authentication available on HiveMQ CE?

Thank you for your feedbacks.

With best regards,

Hi Jan,

Nice to see your interest in HiveMQ.
Not sure, if I understand your questions.
Yes, HiveMQ supports authentication and authorization natively - by providing a free and official extension.

If you do not add an authentication extensions (you can use the one we provide or write your own using our Extension SDK), HiveMQ does not support authentication.

Kind regards,
Florian from the HiveMQ Team

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Hi Florian

All ok, thank you very much for your feedback! :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I am running th broker on Windows
I am using the hivemq-file-rbac-extension to use the authentification when connecting to the broker
but when I try to connect I have the following error “Connection refused: Not authorized”

I think that the setup of the broker is OK
Also I have generated the password using the java tool
So I don’t know what is the issue ?
any help please !

Hi @BOU ,

Nice that you are interested in MQTT, welcome to the community!
Looks like you have asked this question in a different thread. Please refer to the answer there.

Kind regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ Support team