Connection Failure: RPI Pico W to HiveMQ Cloud

Hi @karl60 ,

Nice to see your interest in MQTT and HiveMQ Cloud, please welcome to our community :wave:

Using port 1883 on HiveMQ Cloud doesn’t make any sense, there are only following ports available:

Port (TLS): 8883
Port (Websocket + TLS): 8884

To connect to 8883 you need:

  • hostname of your cluster;
  • username and password from the clusters MQTT Credentials;
  • HiveMQ Cloud requires the TLS-SNI extension to be available and used, please refer here and check if it is available in your system.
  • some devices require the root certificate. You can download the root certificate here.

I hope this helps,
Kind regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ