Can't connect from Mosquitto to HiveMQ Cloud

I want to use Mosquitto as bridge so when I publish my data from my app, to send them locally to my homeautomation in my raspberry but also I want to push my data to my HiveMQ cloud.

I setup Mosquitto on my raspberry as Docker Image

This is my mosquitto.conf file:

# mosquitto.conf
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true

# Bridge configuration to cloud MQTT broker
connection hivemq
topic my_topic1 both 0 
topic my_topic2 both 0  
remote_username username
remote_password password
bridge_protocol_version mqttv311
bridge_insecure true

This is the error I’m getting:

1725886666: Connecting bridge hivemq (
1725886666: Client closed its connection.
1725886629: Connecting bridge hivemq (
1725886629: Client closed its connection.
1725886611: Connecting bridge hivemq (
1725886611: Client closed its connection.
1725886491: Connecting bridge hivemq (
1725886491: Client closed its connection.

more detailed logs:

1725890893: Bridge doing local SUBSCRIBE on topic #
1725890893: Connecting bridge hivemq (
1725890893: Bridge name.hivemq sending CONNECT
1725890903: Client closed its connection.

Hello @edonicardi

Welcome to the HiveMQ Community! Please give it a try by changing the port number here


Kind regards,
Diego from HiveMQ Team

Hi Diego, thanks for reaching out.

I have the same problem with port 8333

Hello @edonicardi

We have some users who succeeded by using the Mosquito Bridge configuration of the post below.

Kind regards,
Diego from HiveMQ Team