Bbc microbit with mqtt

hi please i want to control my remote led with my smartphone using iot bit 1.6 and microbit and public broker hivemq but i can´t subscribe to the topic led despite my makecode script is well
help please
thx in advance

Hi @naim ,

Does your script connect successfully and only has a problem to subscribe? What is the error that you receive when attempting to subscribe? Share your script so everybody could take a look.

Dasha from HiveMQ

thx for your attention , finally i succeed to connect to hivemq using my credentials and makecode

hi every one but always the issue to connect to private hivemq using my credentials with my appinventor application exist
kind regards

Hello @naim

What issue do you observe while connecting to the broker? Please help us with the error details and your code to take a look.

Sheetal from HiveMQ team