Appinventor public hivemq issue

hi every one.i connect to public broker using appinventor every thing is good.the problem that when i want to write the state of my led in the label like it’s in screen shot i used get message but it will return the texte ‘on’ .so when i click on button allumer to turn on my led in the label in my smartphone will show 1 but directly change to ‘on’.the same thing when i click on the button éteindre so in the label write 0 but directly change to ‘on’ also.i don’t understand what is this ‘on’ and why it’s written for ever
thx in advance for your help

here is my code

yours trully

here my smartphone screen shot

Hi @naim ,

This is great to see your interest in MQTT, welcome to our community!

What is the default QoS your thing is using? Did you try specifying QoS, for example, 1 or 2?

Let us know
Thank you
Kind regards
Dasha from HiveMQ Team

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hi thx for your interest to my post,just i want to say that i solved the issue and remain only my other problem that i shared in a topic alone that i can´t connect to private hivemq briker by my credentials using appinventor