Appinventor connection using hivemq with credentials

i create my android application using appinventor to remote control my led using hivemq with credentials
so i write my cluster and user name ,password in appinventor but i can’t connect to the broker .help please despite i connect to it using dash mqtt android application and i remote control my led with no problem.

see my appinventor project in joint piece
i can’t upload aia file so i upload

screen shots of project

Hi @naim - since App Inventor isn’t a HiveMQ product and I haven’t used it myself, it’s a bit hard to diagnose but you could you provide some logs of an error that occurs when you attempt to connect?

If you can connect without issue from that other application, it has to be something specific to App Inventor. Have you tried contacting them for support?

Let us know - we’d be happy to help out the best we can.

Peter Giacomo Lombardo