When a topic name is changed/added, how long before it's changed in HiveMQ?

I’ve added a topic just recently and can see the topic populated in our db but heard from colleagues that it takes up to 24 hours before it is changed at HiveMQ hence we can’t test to publish data to this topic before 24 hours (more or less).

My question: Is there a more specific time when this is done at HiveMQ and is there a way for us a s customer to HiveMQ using their broker to improve the time by changing something in HiveMQ control center our selves? Or is this simply out of our hands and only HiveMQ who manages this change?

Hi @icc,

the HiveMQ broker doesn’t handle DB connection by itself. So that I’m able to help can you please elaborate in what way the DB interacts with the broker? Are you referring to the enterprise security extension by chance?

Michael from the HiveMQ team

Maybe I used the term database wrongly. What I mean is, when we change a topic name or add a topic name, how long does it take to take effect in HiveMQ. I’ve heard from my colleagues that it can take up to 24 hours. Is there a way to improve this time and is there a way for us to check status or do anything in HiveMQ to make the change take effect immediately? :slight_smile:

when we change a topic name or add a topic name, how long does it take to take effect in HiveMQ

When we talk raw HiveMQ broker (no extensions involved) this takes milliseconds.

Can you please describe how you add/update a topic to the broker (are we talking about normal MQTT client that subscribes to the topic?) and what way do you check if the topic is “known” in HiveMQ?


Hi Michael,
Sorry for a super late repsonse. In order to create or grant a consumer / producer access to a topic in Hive we update a json file in a bitbucket repository and then run the commit trough a pipeline that looks like this (don’t want to share code due to secutiry reasons). If the pipeline is successfully built, it can then take up to 24 hours before the nee topic or permission to the a existing or new topic for a certrin publisher / consumer is activated.

Hello @icc ,

Thank you for the additional details!

It sounds like we are not necessarily talking specifically about a new client creating a topic, but rather a new user being created with permission to publish to a topic. Could you confirm if this JSON file being published is meant to update a database with user credentials and access permissions, as well as which extensions are currently in use?

Typically, when creating a new topic, this can be done on the fly by any user that has permissions to publish or subscribe to a topic, and as mentioned, takes milliseconds. It does take a bit longer for a new user credential to be created with specific topic permissions, and then publish for the first time on a topic if using the Enterprise Security Extension, though this is mostly due to the time it takes to send the query to the database and should not take 24 hours, unless the process to update the credential database used by the Enterprise Security Extension takes that long which would be determined by the custom implementation of that database.

To confirm one other item that Michael had mentioned, how is this topic access verified?

Aaron from HiveMQ Team