Store massages in MsSQL

the “+/temperature” would be possible if you implement a SubscriptionAuthorizer and register it with the securityRegistry mentioned by @michael_w

one important thing is, that you prevent the subscribe itself, as MQTT will handle this subscribe as a wildcard subscribe for “any/temperature”.

Here is an example how the prevention could be accomplished followed by adding subscriptions where the client has access to:

        final List<String> topicsIHaveAccessTo = new ArrayList<>();
        final SubscriptionAuthorizer subAuthor = new SubscriptionAuthorizer() {
            public void authorizeSubscribe(final @NotNull SubscriptionAuthorizerInput input, final @NotNull SubscriptionAuthorizerOutput output) {

                final String topic = input.getSubscription().getTopicFilter();
                final Qos qos = input.getSubscription().getQos();
                final String clientId = input.getClientInformation().getClientId();

                    //first let the original subscription fail.

                    //then add subscriptions through the store
                    for (final String topicWithAccess : topicsIHaveAccessTo) {
                        final TopicSubscription topicSubscription = Builders.topicSubscription()
                        Services.subscriptionStore().addSubscription(clientId, topicSubscription);
        Services.securityRegistry().setAuthorizerProvider(new AuthorizerProvider() {
            public Authorizer getAuthorizer(final @NotNull AuthorizerProviderInput authorizerProviderInput) {
                return subAuthor;

I hope this could help.

Kind regards,