Rest API for Access Management

Hi All,

Is there any Rest API for Access Management to create username and password via HTTP API?

Please guide me I want to control Access Management from my NodeJS application to create username and password for individual devices.

Hello @najabhaider96

Welcome to HiveMQ Community! This feature is currently unavailable but in our roadmap. Unfortunately, we do not have an ETA when it will be released.

Kind regards,
Diego from HiveMQ Team

Dear Diego,

Thank you for help.

Hi Diego,

Can you explain and give example to use REST API for List all MQTT clients.
Because I’m very confused in it in this REST API what will be Port number with my Host address and any authorization will be required?
I’m using free version of HiveMQ Cloud Cluster.

Hello @najabhaider96 ,

As mentioned by Diego, the Rest API is currently not available for free Serverless Cloud accounts. More specific version differences can be reviewed on our comparison page here.

If using a self-managed HiveMQ version, or a Cloud tier that offers Rest API access, our Rest API documentation here covers the full details on its usage, as well as some examples to utilize.

Aaron from the HiveMQ Team