QoS 0 memory limit

Hi @Reinski,

sorry for the delayed response.

The part with the enterprise version was just to check if you had shared subscriptions (which you could have verified with the Web Interface (Control Center)), but that wasn’t necessary see my comment before.

One of my next advise would have been to set up monitoring for HiveMQ so I’m happy to see that you are already working on it. Did you by chance install the influxdb extension while HiveMQ was running? This is not possible, you’ll need to restart the broker so that the extension is loaded.

Do you use Grafana for displaying the metrics? I could add the dashboard JSON file I used for the pictures I added.

The other point I wanted to ask, is it possible to add an MQTT client to the broker that also consumes all messages? It would be nice to know if this also occurs with other MQTT clients (i.e. hivemq-mqtt-client) acting as consumers. Of course it would be better if you could to this on a test environment ;).

Greetings and happy new year,