Pricing details


I want to create an application using MQTT and HiveMQ, but the pricing isn’t very clear to me.

About my app:

  • It will be used only during weekends.
  • Maximum messages per month: ~9 million.


  1. Using the Serverless option, I see the only limitation is 10 GB of data traffic per month. What happens if I exceed 10 GB? Does it stop working, or is there an option to flexibly pay for additional usage? I would prefer to avoid a situation where the app suddenly stops working after reaching 10 GB.
  2. In the Starter option, how are the hours calculated? It’s listed at $0.34/hour, but if I use my app only during the weekend, do I pay just for that? Does it calculate time only when messages are broadcast (so if I’m not sending anything for 10 minutes, am I not billed for that time)?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hello @Froogziom

Thank you for reaching out. please find below the answers to your questions:
1.When using the Serverless option on HiveMQ Cloud, if you exceed the 10 GB data traffic limit per month, the service does not completely stop working. However, any messages that attempt to exceed the quota will be rejected with the reason “Quota exceeded.” This means your application will not be able to publish additional messages beyond the 10 GB limit. To avoid this situation,n we suggest using the Starter option.
2. HiveMQ Cloud Starter is billed on an hourly basis, it is billed hourly and the hourly charges do not depend on the usage. The $0.34/hour fee is calculated based on the total time your HiveMQ Cloud instance is running, regardless of whether messages are being broadcast or not. This means you are billed for the entire duration the instance is active, not just when messages are sent. If you use your app only during the weekend, you will pay for the hours the instance is running during those days. The billing is not dependent on message activity, so even if there is no message traffic for 10 minutes, you will still be billed for that time as long as the instance is running.

Check our FAQ’s for more information.
We hope this helps. Feel free to reach us in case of questions.

Sheetal From HiveMQ Team