Hi! I used this helper script
and successfully created a container within proxmox. I need some help with the login credentials. admin and hivemq seems to be wrong.
Also, I am not able to reach the web interface on port 8080. Are there any users who were able to successfully log in after using this scipt?
Hi @Tissi_2
Greetings! We’re thrilled to have you here, showing interest in MQTT and the HiveMQ broker. Welcome to the HiveMQ Community! We’re always happy to see new users.
It looks like you have successfully set up HiveMQ Community Edition using the Proxmox helper script—great job! However, I’d like to clarify that HiveMQ Community Edition does not include a web interface on port 8080. The UI is only available in HiveMQ Enterprise Edition. You give it a quick test by running in Docker: HiveMQ and Docker :: HiveMQ Documentation
Dasha from The HiveMQ Team