Hi, I am new to the HiveMQ cloud service. I used to play with the free broker.hivemq.com with the MQTTBox. However, I would like to get a more secure broker service and so I start to work with Hivemq Cloud. I have subscribed to the free cloud service and tried to connect using MQTTBox. However, it fails. Please see my entries and how to resolve them. Thank you!
Due to outdated TLS implementation, it seems not possible to connect to HiveMQ Cloud using MQTTBox client. I have tried all options available and just got a generic “Connection Error” message, also the project has been completely abandoned by the developer.
Kind regards,
Diego from HiveMQ Team
For whatever it’s worth, there are some c# samples which might be useful in testing a local client. For example, MQTTnet/Client_Connection_Samples.cs at master · dotnet/MQTTnet · GitHub .
I had also downloaded a good Visual Studio Windows Forms project, which was pretty good for testing.
His github is linked in the desc field at this youtube video (the link is safe) MQTT C# - Using MQTT with C# [Step By Step Tutorial For MQTT Integration] - M2MQTT C# - YouTube MQTT C# - Using MQTT with C# [Step By Step Tutorial For MQTT Integration] - M2MQTT C#