Hi all,
I just set up a fresh InfluxDB2 (current version 2.2) and created a bucket to collect some hivemq metrics.
As far as I understood, writing to my bucket involves usage of the token, which was created during database setup …
The only way to do so I found out in hivemq-influxdb-extension configuration is to use
and properly configure the token and organization to use.
When trying to write to the bucket I get following error:
c.i.m.influxdb.InfluxDbReporter:258 - Unable to report to InfluxDB with error 'Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message'. Discarding data.
Taking a brief glance to hivemq-influxdb-extension source code, I realized that hivemq-influxdb-extension uses https to write data (which makes somehow sense if writing to a cloud via internet …).
Now, my database is local, why i haven’t enabled https.
Hm …, so I tried the other way and configured:
Doesn’t work either, this time I get the following error:
c.i.m.influxdb.InfluxDbReporter:258 - Unable to report to InfluxDB with error 'Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://influxdb:8086/write?db=spotcontrol&precision=s with content :'Unauthorized''. Discarding data.
I guess, because InfluxDB does not support this kind of writing since version 2.0 …?
What would be your suggestion for this case?
Best regards,