I am using the MODBUS Protocal Adapter. I have 5 modbus addresses mapped to one topic. If I try to create a second topic to map a second series of addresses too, the Protocal Adapter will go into error.
To verify there wasn’t a problem with the groups of modbus ponts, I tried to create a single topic with both series of addresses mapped to it. The Protocal Adapter stayed connected. I then created a single topic with only the first group of modbus addresses mapped. The Protocal Adapter stayed connected. I then created a single group with only the second group of modbus addresses mapped. Again the Protocal Adapter stayed connected.
I’m not sure if my problem is procedural or if this is a bug.
Great that you working with the ModBus adapter. I do not fully understand the problem, yet to further help you. May you please provide the error message.
Do you config these adapters in the config.xml or in the UI?
I want to map modbus addresses to different topics (segregated by their function). I can map addresses to a single topic fine. However, when I try to create a second topic and map addresses to it, the protocal adapter shows “error” for a connection status on the GUI.
To clarify, I am not trying to map the same modbus addresses to multiple topics.
When I try to create more than one MQTT topic for modbus addresses coming from a modbus server through a HiveMQ Edge modbus protocal adapter, the protocal adapter goes into “error” on the GUI.
I will recreate the problem localy and attach a santized config file.