Hi there I am new to HiveMQ
Having troubles with an integration with Helium Console that seems like others have also had the issue. Here is an issue tracker about it
opened 09:09PM - 11 Jan 22 UTC
1. Are you using Helium hosted Console or running your own open source Console?
Hosted console
2. If you are on Helium hosted Console, which url are you currently on?
3. If you are experiencing bugs in Helium hosted Console, please specify your Organization name and Device ID (ex. 3483050b-284d-47e2-8eda-e087fc03a753).
Organization name: Schema
Device ID: 9716512d-bb60-4b8e-afe9-771d07d2ece6
Please describe your issue:
MQTT integration doesn't work. I tried using hivemq cloud and the console always shows that the integration is not working, but it doesn't say what the problem is. I tried to connect manually using mosquitto client from my local computer to the cloud server and it is working fine, so it is clearly something on Helium side of the integration. I also tried with a custom mosquitto server but wasn't working too.
Can someone comment, as I never know if this is a HiveMQ slight difference in how they do TLS, or if it is an issue on the Helium side.
Helium expects information to be setup in this fairly easy format
Hi @rocksetta ,
It is great that you are interested in HiveMQ and MQTT !
Your format seems correct, given that you are using username, password and hostname of your free HiveMQ cloud broker and port 8883. In order to investigate the issue, we need some additional information from you:
What is specific error that you get from Helium?
Which steps would I take to reproduce your issue?
Dasha from HiveMQ team
Hi Dasha
Helium Console does not provide any meaningful message, besides a generic “error”.
All I know is that integration on Helium Console with Shiftr works as expected.
For connection I use mqtts://user:pass@xxx.s2.eu.hivemq.cloud:8883 which I can use to connect from the HiveMQ Websocket Client just fine.
Uplink/Downlink Topics I use are:
Uplink Topic: helium/{{device_id}}/rx
Downlink Topic: helium/{{device_id}}/tx
Any ideas?
Hi @dsidler ,
Does Helium Console require a server CA in order to connect with TLS? If so, you can download the root certificate here .
This will create a file called “isrgrootx1.pem”, which you can use as “Server Certiciate”.
I hope this helps,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team
Thanks Dasha. Helium Console is a web app where I can’t install my own root certs. Similar to the HiveMQ Websocket Client.