GKE Internal Load Balancer

Hello! I am new to HiveMQ and I am trying to create a Kubernetes cluster in GKE to run HiveMQ. I was able to follow this guide to install using helm. However, our organization does not allow external load balancers to be configured on Kubernetes services.

I was hoping someone else has either run into this or can help me reconfigure the load balancer to be an Internal Load Balancer instead of an external load balancer using the Kubernetes operator provided by HiveMQ. Thanks!

Hi @tfly12 ,

It is great to see your interest in MQTT and HiveMQ, welcome to the community. Thank you for your question. Could you please help me understand, what is the difference (according to your organization) between internal and external load balancer?

  • How is your service getting configured when you are following the guide? Can you share the service YAML?
  • How would your ogranization expect it to be configured?
  • Can you share an internal load balancer example that is allowed in your organization?

Dasha from HiveMQ team