Connecting to broker using websocket port 8000

Last fall (2022), I had a project where a microcontroller connected to to the HiveMQ broker on Port 1883 and published using PlainText (not TLS).
I then used the HiveMQ Websocket Client to connect to host “” on Port 8000.

However, now when I try to use the HiveMQ Websocket Client, the host defaults to” on Port 8884, which I believe is a TLS Websocket port, and I don’t receive any messages based on my subscriptions.

Is there a way to access the non-TLS port, port 8000 on the HiveMQ broker via the Websocket client like I did last year?


Greetings and a heartfelt welcome to the HiveMQ Community! We are truly thrilled to see your interest in MQTT and the HiveMQ broker. Your participation adds immense value to our community.

Regarding the WebSocket client you mentioned, I regret to inform you that, at present, it does not support non-TLS connections. However, I would like to offer a solution by suggesting the use of alternative clients such as MQTT.fx or MQTT-CLI. As an example, you can connect using MQTT-CLI with the following command:

mqtt subscribe --topic 'test/#' --showTopics --host --port 8000 -ws

If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you on your MQTT journey.

Best regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team


MQTT.fx client Download – Softblade
MQTT_CLI client Home - MQTT CLI

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Thank you Dasha. Am I correct that if a client publishes to a broker over a non-TLS connection, then a other clients must also subscribe over non-TLS connections? That is, both the publishing client and the subscribing clients must be using the same type of connection to the broker.

No, all connections are to the same broker, it does not matter, to which port the client connects

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Ahh, this was very helpful! I was unsuccessful with the MQTT-CLI, but based on your email I used the HiveMQ Browser Client with the host set to and the port to 8884 and everything worked.

Thank you!