Clik plc to cloud

hey guys , is there a step by step guide on how i can establish communication of my click plc via the hivemq cloud free version. i am using windows 10 thanks

Hi @mechguy,

Greetings and a warm welcome to the HiveMQ Community! We are delighted by your keen interest in MQTT and the HiveMQ broker. It’s truly a pleasure to have new users like yourself joining our ranks.

We truly appreciate your inquiry regarding the establishment of communication between your CLICK PLC and HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Free. Although we don’t provide an explicit, step-by-step guide for this specific configuration, we are more than happy to provide you with valuable guidance.

To initiate the process, I would suggest reaching out to the manufacturer of your MQTT device, which in this case is your CLICK PLC. Kindly inquire whether the MQTT device supports TLS (Transport Layer Security) for MQTT connections. This is a critical factor ensuring secure communication when interfacing with the HiveMQ Cloud.

Should your MQTT device indeed support TLS, I recommend proceeding with the following sequential steps:

  1. Establishing Connection to HiveMQ Cloud:
  • Specify the provided cluster URL from HiveMQ Cloud as the designated MQTT broker hostname.
  • Utilize port 8883 for facilitating secure MQTT communication, given that HiveMQ Cloud exclusively supports secure channels.
  • Furnish the appropriate username and password credentials for authentication.
  1. Trust Store Configuration:
  • An essential step is to integrate the requisite CA file (Certificate Authority) into the device’s trust store. If your device is currently lacking this CA file, it can be acquired from: This CA file serves the pivotal role of authenticating the server’s certificate during the TLS handshake process.
  1. Enabling TLS-SNI Extension:
  • If your device offers support for this feature, kindly follow its programming directives to activate and configure the TLS-SNI Extension tailored for MQTT connections. The TLS-SNI extension plays a crucial role by including the server’s hostname during client connection attempts, particularly useful when a single IP address hosts multiple domains or services.

As you proceed, I recommend capturing network traffic on port 8883 between your MQTT device and the broker, for example, with a Wireshark. This approach will help in pinpointing the specific step at which any connection issue may arise.

Wishing you the best of success,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team