just for don’t waste more time on create a connection with hivemq…
I’ve created a free account (serverless) to do some tests…
I want to connect a NUCLEO board based on STM32 with hivemq…
What guide I’ve to follow to set the certificates for SSL layer?
here: https://docs.hivemq.com/hivemq/latest/user-guide/howtos.html
Seems described the iter for a correct certificate…
In my particular case what is the correct guide?
I followed this " HowTo configure TLS with client certificates (self-signed) for HiveMQ using Keytool"
but… here I see this:
Using PEM files (for mosquitto_pub/_sub and other clients)
Why is mentioned mosquitto?
I supposed that the network for MQTT was one single broker and many clients. Or I confused?
In the procedure where is involved the “isrgrootx1.pem”?
Thank you