My frontend client (mqtt.js) can connect to the broker and is shown in the admin center.
I connect the frontend this way:
const url: string = "ws://localhost:8000";
const options: IClientOptions = {
clientId: 'myclient',
username: 'myuser',
password: '',
path: "/mqtt"
this.client = mqtt.connect(url, options);
But my backend client says its connected but it is not (not shown in client list in admin center and not receiving messages from the broker that were sent by the frontend client).
When connecting the backend it looks like its connected as you can see on the returned MqttConnAck object (Excerpt from log):
Connected successfully to localhost:1883 with MqttConnAck{reasonCode=SUCCESS, sessionPresent=false, assignedClientIdentifier=auto-F769E480-83F7-5A3F-4720-3C1A4B056EED, restrictions=MqttConnAckRestrictions{receiveMaximum=20, maximumPacketSize=268435460, topicAliasMaximum=10, maximumQos=EXACTLY_ONCE, retainAvailable=true, wildcardSubscriptionAvailable=true, sharedSubscriptionAvailable=true, subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable=true}}
Subscribed successfully to [MqttSubscription{topicFilter=internal/frontend2backend/#, qos=EXACTLY_ONCE, noLocal=false, retainHandling=SEND, retainAsPublished=false}] with MqttSubAck{reasonCodes=[GRANTED_QOS_2], packetIdentifier=65526}