I’m using version 3.4.3 because version 4 requires java 11 which does not exist for arm processors to my knowledge.
I’m experimenting with a small cluster of servers, 1 of them having an arm processor as mentioned. All systems have similar hivemq config files. All systems are using Ubuntu Linux. All systems are 64bit except for the Arm system. However 1 of the Intel servers is getting the following error in the hivemq.log file:
Could not read the configuration file /opt/hivemq/conf/config.xml. Using default configuration:
This is causing other problems because the default config is conflicting with the other hivemq servers.
It’s not a permission problem because if I use version 4 with the same config it works. All files in the hivemq folder are owned by hivemq user as specified. Below is the config file in question:
Any help would be appreciated.
<?xml version="1.0"?> 11883 hivemq.jks inspired inspired NONE<cluster>
<!-- Enable clustering -->
<!-- only forms a cluster on the local machine.
Replace the IP address with the real address of your public
interface to form a cluster over the public network -->
<!-- Replace the IP address and port with this node's configuration -->
<!-- Replace the IP address and port with another node's configuration -->
<!-- Replace the IP address and port with another node's configuration -->
<!-- Replace the IP address and port with another node's configuration -->