Shared subscription implementation Exception

Hi Guys,

Whenever I’m trying to subscribe data from broker with shared subscription mechanism. After few minutes broker does not work and gives below error continuously.

“Node is waiting for an operational cluster member”

Does shared subscription do any additional activity on broker ?


Hi @Rahul,

A correlation between a shared subscription and the cluster communication is not known and does not make sense.
Likely there is some configuration error here.

Please provide significantly more context about this case you are describing.

  • Where are you hosting your cluster?
  • What configuration are you using?
  • How much traffic is on the broker?
  • What kind of exact shared subscription are you using?

Kind regards,

Hi @hivemq-support ,

Currently, Broker is running on single machine inside docker.

Publishing records in ‘device/comment’ & ‘device/health’.
Incoming traffic would be around 200 msg/sec.

Subscriber topics are likely

Please let me know if you need any information.


Hi Rahul,

thanks for providing more information about your issue! We need some more information:

  • You indicated “Currently, Broker is running on single machine inside docker.” So, what machine and which OS is it? For example, “Docker is running on my Windows 10 laptop”.

  • What configuration you are using in your docker file or docker compose? Which parameters you are using to run the docker command(s)? Are you making any additional changes to the configuration after docker run?


Hi @Daria_H ,

On one of the vm, we are using docker desktop on windows.

Below one is the docker configuration.

          cpus: '8'
          memory: 500M
          cpus: '1'
          memory: 200M

We have not done any additional things as it was working fine before the implementation of shared subscription.


Hi @Rahul,

HiveMQ minimum requirements are 4GB of RAM. Recommended are 8GB.
Please increase the memory settings accordingly.

Thank you,

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But on same configuration, it was working perfectly with 200 msg/sec incoming traffic.

Thank you,

Hi @Rahul,

The minimum requirements for HiveMQ are 4 CPUs and 4 GB RAM (recommended 8 GB RAM).
There is no guarantee that all features work as expected with a less resources.

Thank you and regards,

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