Hi, I started to use MQTT CLI as it looks fine.
It’s good and almost works I expected. but there is one issue I’m facing.
I can’t see published message if it’s QoS1 and sent when disconnected. I’m using -oc and -of option, but no output to both console and file.
But by seeing broker’s log, the CLI client received the message and sent PUBACK to the broker properly.
If I publish a message during connected, I can see a message in both console and file.
I can confirm this as a bug in the cli as there is currently no behavior for printing out QoS1 publishes when the client reconnects.
Therefore i converted your description into a bug report on github and will address this as soon as possible.
I am sorry for the inconvenience and will also keep you updated in this thread.
Update 17.10.19: I just merged the Fix for this report. It will be released with the 1.1 release of the CLI which should be coming up in the next month.