[MQTT WEB CLIENT] subscribing with QOS=2 and clean session false

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
I’m new here.

I’m trying to receive data from MQTT.fx.
I set QOS=2 and clean session to false
I can receive data only when Client is online. My purpose is to not lost all messages when reconnected.
Is it possible to store data into cluster?

Best Regards

Hi m.matejkowski,

Queueing can be done for a persistent session client subscribed to a topic. Here are a few sections of the HiveMQ documentation on these topics if you haven’t checked already:



My colleague Dasha also gave a good outline for testing these concepts using our MQTT-CLI tool in another thread that may be useful for you:


If these don’t get you started, please let us know here how you are setting up your tests with MQTT.fx. It may also help if you post your config.xml.

Thanks for your interest in MQTT and HiveMQ!

Seth - HiveMQ Support

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I post here config.xml but bot blocks it:

Our automated spam filter, Akismet, has temporarily hidden your post in [MQTT WEB CLIENT] subscribing with QOS=2 and clean session false for review.

Please help.

Hi @m.matejkowski ,

You need a different MQTT client software to test this feature, not MQTT.fx. We suggest using HiveMQ MQTT Client command line tool that is called MQTT CLI. My colleague has already provided to you the link:

I hope this helps. Do not hesitate to ask if you have further questions

Kind regards
Dasha from HiveMQ Support Team.

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