MQTT over TLS with Ethernet W5500

Hello! I am trying to connect to HiveMQ Cloud through Ethernet W5500 but I cannot connect correctly to the broker due to the RootCA, if you can help me it would be great!

Welcome to the community, @max1nl ! We’re glad to have you here.

It sounds like you’re having trouble connecting to HiveMQ Cloud due to the RootCA issue. You can download the root certificate here: This will give you a file named isrgrootx1.pem, which you can use as your “Server Certificate”.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Dasha from the HiveMQ Team

Thanks @Daria_H!

Sorry I didn’t fully explain my problem. I am using an M5Stack Basic (esp32) with the 5500 module and I am using the Arduino IDE. I previously connected it to WiFi with the WiFiClientSecure client and I was able to connect correctly. But now I need to connect it via Ethernet and I tried many tls/ssl libraries and I couldn’t connect to the broker. Could you please help me?

Hello @max1nl

Thanks for the clarification. I’m not very familiar with the Ethernet W5500 module but I guess you can use a wrapper library such as SSLClientESP32, that utilizes the same mbedTLS functionality under the hood and give it a try to add a secure connection to the MQTT Client object.

Kind regards,
Diego from HiveMQ Team