Hive Mq Cloud with certificates

Hi Fraschbi,
I tried for some weeks to sort this out using the command openssl s_client -connect -showcerts < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | sed -n ‘/BEGIN/,/END/p’ > server.pem but I was unsuccessfull.
I am currently getting the error “Impossible to find the defined root”.
I am sure I am getting wrong some of the fields but I cannot sort this out.
Could you help me on this creating the CA file as done in this old topic?

I would ask you to set as ending date of the certificate 1/1/2040. In fact my main issue in this moment is that I have a working file ( but this will elapse on Septmber 2021 making my whole system unusable.
Obvioulsy If you could explain me the exact typing to be used in my OPENSSL command that would be even better.

Thanks for your help and assistance on this matter.