Does HiveMQ support multiple tenants? Identical devices should use the same topics and message should only be visible to corresponding users

Asked by Vadim Fux during our MQTT 5 webinar.
Answer: At the moment HiveMQ does not support multiple tenants out of the box.
We do have experience in creating working use cases for our customers through the use of the HiveMQ Extension SDK and/or proper topic design.
This is a good question and a rather complicated topic. Feel free to contact us:, if you want to discuss this further.

Is there anything like this supported now or in near future.

Hey @asimmanzoor ,
Great to see your interest in MQTT and HiveMQ, welcome to our community!

Answer is no, if a client is authorized to subscribe to a topic, it will receive all messages (with appropriate QoS level) of that topic. What you could do, is to design your topic structure so that includes a topic level with mqtt-clientId for each client like 'topic/${mqtt-clientid}/status'. You can then customize your authorization so that

  • clientA authorized to the topic ‘topic/clientA/status’
  • clientB authorized to the topic ‘topic/clientB/status’
  • clientN authorized to the topic ‘topic/clientN/status’

You can try it out on your own following this start up guide: HiveMQ Enterprise Security Extension (ESE) Start Up Guide :: HiveMQ Documentation

I hope this helps,
Dasha from HiveMQ team

Thanks for reply. Let me have a look.