I used to have this code section made in matlab app designer to get connected to Hivemq broker:
if selectedTab == app.StepTab
data = struct(‘VCC’,app.SetVccEditField.Value,‘interruptor’,‘on’,‘Type’,‘Step’,‘A’,app.AmplitudeEditField.Value,‘t0’,app.t0EditField.Value,‘offset’,app.offsetEditField.Value);
jsonData = jsonencode(data);
% Connection between MATLAB & MQTT broker
MQTTSignal = mqttclient(‘tcp://broker.hivemq.com’,‘Port’,1883);
% Publish topic using MQTT in MATLAB
Topic = “ESP32/data”;
But now I would like to make it get connected to hivemq cloud using a broker address that finishes like: s1.eu.hivemq.cloud and a broker port equal to 8883, etc.
So can you help me to know how do I need to modify my code to make it possible?