I get this error, when I tried to connect:
Client(message=io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedSocketException: Network is unreachable: my-broker.com/[2709:4800:4100::6812:34f9]:443).
The network is unreachable since Http requests go thought the network. Even I tried to reconnect it fails with the same error.
To start, this error indicates that a connection was unable to be established to the provided host address. This can be the result of a number of different configuration or connection issues, but I’d like to provide details on a few of the most common.
To start with, it sounds like you are using a Java client here, but if you could provide the specific client you are using, as well as any error logs, this may help us diagnose further.
Now, for some common reasons for this error :
The host address may have a typo, or may be configured incorrectly - I would ask that you validate the host address provided, and ensure the port specified for the connection is properly configured to match the host port.
The port may not be open on your network. MQTT protocols typically utilize port 1883 for TCP traffic, port 8883 for Secure TCP (TLS) traffic, and port 8884 for WebSocket connections. If you are using a HiveMQ Cloud host, port 8883 or 8884 are the available ports.
There may be an issue with establishing an initial TCP Socket connection from the client network to the remote host network - I would recommend ensuring the host address is reachable from the client machine, both with the host address and the specific host port you are looking to use.
With that in mind, please let us know if you are able to successfully establish a connection, or if you are able to provide these additional client details to review further!