Cannot consume dropped messages

Hi @Nirmal,

so I tried it with your config and my client that subscribed to $dropped/# got the dropped messages. I produced the dropped messages by having an offline client that subscribes to topic "test:

mqtt sub -t test -q 1 -se 100000 -i sleepyClient

Note: disconnect client so he is offline.

So now I add subscriber for dropped topic:

mqtt sub -t '$dropped/#'

Then I publish three messages:

mqtt pub -t test -q 1 -m "oh no"
mqtt pub -t test -q 1 -m "oh no2"
mqtt pub -t test -q 1 -m "oh no3"

And my dropped subscriber gets “oh no2” and “oh no3”, as “oh no” is the one message still queued for the offline client.

I’m still unclear though how you produce dropped messages, I would love to see the Control Center
notification and the WARN message.


Also, can we get the dropped messages from the dropped messages topic to Kafka using Kafka-HiveMQ-extension and see that data in Kafka topic?

The answer was already given here: Reprocessing the dropped messages using Kafka Extention
