Regarding packet loss from publisher to broker

Hi @qwert477

It’s great to hear that you’re considering migrating to HiveMQ! Regarding your question about handling network failures, with MQTT, it’s crucial not to assume that the network is always reliable. Designing your application to handle network failures from the beginning is a best practice.

Automatic reconnection and offline buffering are key concepts in building resilient MQTT applications. However, it’s important to note that these features are solely implemented by the MQTT client based on the underlying MQTT client library, not the MQTT broker itself. HiveMQ does provide an open-source Java library called “hivemq-mqtt-client,” which can be used to build MQTT clients.

Remember to review the documentation and resources provided by HiveMQ for details on implementing these resilience features in your MQTT client application. Here’s a useful article on MQTT and resilience: MQTT and Resilience. Additionally, you can find examples of auto-reconnect and offline buffering in the HiveMQ Community forum: Example of Auto-Reconnect and Offline Buffering.

Building a robust MQTT application involves careful consideration of these resilience features to ensure that your IoT devices’ data is reliably and efficiently transmitted even in challenging network conditions. Best of luck with your migration to HiveMQ!

Best regards,
Dasha from HiveMQ Team

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