Can we read data from special topic like dropped or dead in hivemq. If yes then How we can read and will there be any consequences by doing this?

Hi @michael_w ,

Apologies for distrubing you again.

Just need one clarification, Suppose one message went into the ‘$dead’ topic after that will this go into the ‘$expired’ once the message got expired ?

Thanks !

Hi @Rahul,

yes it is possible. But we prevent circular sending of messages, so $dead → $expired is possible but $dead → $expired → $dead is prevented.



Hi @michael_w ,

Got it.

I have more scenario which is as follow

  • $Dropped/#, $Expired/#, $Dead/# are the special topic. As per my understanding, these can have huge number of messages stored based on the load or due to un-attached subscriber.
  • Once we try to subscribe messages from these topics by creating a subscriber but that has some limitation of queuing ( default is 1000 ).
  • If we publishing message in these special topics due to any reason then how should we subscribe because at last we have some in-flight queue mechanism at broker. So once it reach to queuing limit again messages are getting dropped.

Working like : Message → $dropped/ → Subscriber ( it has default queue = 1000) → after some point again messages are getting dropped → $dropped/

It is becoming cyclic process. How we should handled this one ?

Could you have look on it ?

Thanks !

Hi @Rahul,

Message → $dropped/ → Subscriber ( it has default queue = 1000) → after some point again messages are getting dropped → $dropped/

in this case if they are dropped when queued for $dropped/ they are simply gone. This is because we prevent the cyclic behaviour internally.

How we should handled this one ?

  • You could use shared subscriptions (or consumer) to receive the messages from the special $ topics, they have the default queue limit of 500.000 (bonus: you can use multiple clients to process the messages)
  • You can increase the queue limit for your client that receives the messages from the special topics (this is done via an extension that has a Simple/EnhancedAuthenticator, see MQTT Client Authentication Options for Your HiveMQ Extension :: HiveMQ Documentation)

I personally would prefer shared subscriptions or a consumer to be used to process messages for $topics.



Hi @michael_w ,

Thanks a lot for sharing this info.